About the Gutsy Woman coach

The Mission of The Gutsy Woman Coach© is to be of service, and specifically, to engage with people over 60 who want to let go of old baggage and find more joy in their lives.  I want to help you, the reader, do wonderful things for yourself, however small or large they may be. I’m focused on helping others raise their Joy Quotient!
Joy and gratitude are hallmarks of aging well. As we age, we all have challenges that we didn’t have when we were younger. However, we don’t need to whine and decline! We can be alive and thrive all through our golden years and make them really joyful. All of our coaching programs and classes are aimed at engagement, enjoyment, and literally raising your Joy Quotient! Browse our website list of classes and see if there are some topics that interest you. If not, and you'd like to ask us about a topic, email us at thegutsywomancoach@gmail.com and we'll reply promptly. Welcome to a higher Joy Quotient.
Our Mission
Hi, I am Joy Leccese
a Certified Master Professional Coach.
Joy Leccese, a transformational life coach, specializes in teaching seniors how to manage and overcome frustration, anxiety, loneliness, and depression so they can enjoy a fuller life with family and friends.
Joy helps her clients navigate rocky terrain, whether it’s old baggage they’ve carried for years or new challenges with health and aging. They succeed in tackling and often eliminating issues that are painful to them, so they can live joyfully, no matter what.
Finding a deeper sense of purpose is key to a thriving lifestyle. Working with Joy, clients release shame, self-judgment and hopelessness even when they’ve been stuck for years. She helps people find their Gutsy Person within, a person who can live a life by design, not default. The results? A life of joyful presence, peace of mind, and no regrets!
Joy is the proud mom of two adult children, the loves of her life. Having a son with a Traumatic Brain Injury, Joy walks the walk, truly understanding what is behind the storylines of her clients. Her own journey from trauma to joyful triumph fuels her passion for helping others overcome their trauma and grief, which are embedded in stories that overwhelm them.
Joy Leccese has been coaching individuals and groups for over ten years on these topics. She also established a free online support group for caregivers of survivors of traumatic brain injury in 2023, @TheBadassCaregiver on Facebook. Her new program for seniors is Raise Your Joy Quotient: Feel Alive and Thrive!